How to make Glossy button in Photoshop
1. Start with a new image about 400x400 px with a white background. Create a new layer and using the rectangular marquee tool draw a rectangle roughly the size of the example below. 2 .Click the Channels tab to enter the Channels Palette, and create a New Channel. Fill the selection in with white, then deselect (CTRL+D). Now go to Filter » Blur »Gaussian Blur and use a setting of about 3.5, then click OK. Next go to Image » Adjust » Levels and drag the two bottom triangles towards the center until the button looks nice and smooth (see image). Click OK when done. Hold CTRL and click on the channel "Alpha 1" to select it, then click the Layers Tab. Do not lose the selection. 3. Set your foreground color to: R:212 G:214 B:212 and the background to white. Now, using the Linear Gradient tool (foreground to background), drag from the top of the selection to the bottom, so that it looks similar to the example below. Now create a New Layer and set your foreground color to R:192 G:...