Bing with Yahoo!, still a long way to go

Microsoft and Yahoo! joined the forces to create a stronger stand to compete against their common contender Google. They announced the ad-search deal that has the entire world go talking about it, from industry experts to investors, from advertisers to users. But the big question remains that would they be able to gain over the King who rules the virtual space. According to the recent data by the industry analyst comScore, Google holds a total share of 65% of the global market, Yahoo! 16.3% and Bing a mere 9.9%. Microsoft has long being trying to win over Yahoo! and Google in the search market with investing millions to bring an innovative system that would create a distinct picture, but, never managed to do so. Post the deal the situation changes drastically, Bing would simply jump to the second position with adding Yahoo!’s users to its share. Though, even combined share for Bing, post the deal, accounts to be less than that of Google, just 26% which is a big gap for the two giants to cover to reach the level of Google. While on the online advertising platform, Google again dominates the region with its Google AdSense program. Microsoft has been monetizing efforts to win on Google with various acquisitions, unfortunately hasn’t been successful. Bridging the gap between Yahoo! and Microsoft, it looks forward to have the volume of traffic that flows through Yahoo! On Yahoo!’s part, the company has been investing handsomly amounts in the internet search market from the past six years. The latest change that it offered was that of the multimedia homepage that refines the search along with a variety of personalised features. But the 10-year pact might hinder the growth of Yahoo! as an individual entity as now Microsoft will be controlling the search options for it. Whereas, the fact remains that the agreement won’t be concluded until federal regulators in the States and the E.U. look over the deal. Till then let’s just assess and observe how the things change until the beginning of the next year when we might see Bing attached to Yaoo!


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