Weird Inventions
Flying Alarm

This alarm clock will be sure to wake even the heaviest of sleepers. The idea is simple; when the alarm is triggered part of the alarm will fly and land at some random location in your room. Only when the piece is placed back on the stationary alarm piece will the alarm cease.
The flying piece takes to the air via rotating propeller blades which allow it to achieve flight. The only way to silence the alarm is to physically find the propeller and position it back on the alarm, thus forcing you out of your bed.
A strange concept, but one which might just prove helpful to those who find it difficult on those Monday mornings.
Led Umbrella
Introducing the new LED umbrella. This new device comes equipped with a built in LED light which illuminates in the dark. At the touch of a button the light shines into action offering a safe and secure passage to your destination. The light is embedded inside the handle to lighten the area under the umbrella hood.
Come day or night, this gadget has got you covered despite looking like a Star Wars light saber.
So for those of you who can't handle a long walk home in the dark, this LED umbrella is sure to make that walk a little bit brighter.
Take A Power Nap On The Nappak
Power naps are fantastic, and also proven to rejuvenate a person during the day. We all long for these power naps, but unfortunately there is never a bed around at the time, especially in the work office, leaving you nodding off with your nose pressed hard down against the desk. Did you ever dream of a portable bed which you could quickly assemble and then catch up on some much needed sleep? Well, the solution to such problems has finally arrived.
A German study which was undertaken in 2004 concluded that a daily power nap can be beneficial in the workplace by both improving efficiency and morale. Designed by four students to demonstrate these findings, the Nappak was invented. The Nappak is essentially an inflatable bed which comes complete with an air compressor and rollers, but is at this moment merely a concept.
Adding such beds into the workplace will be rewarding for both the employees and employers, if these findings are correct - since efficiency and morale are the basis of any successful business organisation. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off for a power nap.
Turnon Multi Functional Spinning Wall
Conserving space is very much a must for those living in small apartments or flats, where space is few and far between. Therefore it is imperative to take advantage of the space you do have, and create an illusion of having more space than you actually do. Many use subtle colours on their walls, or mirror effects to achieve this illusion, but a practical solution has only entered the scene recently, in the form of the TurnOn Multi-Functional Spinning Wall. The Wall is essentially a room which makes use of the ceiling also - allowing for additional space and room. In order to feel the new dimension of space you climb into the hamster-like wheel and then roll it you’re your desired position.
The Wall can be used as a table for two or as a place to lounge - combining two pieces of furniture into one. For those of us keen to conserve space, and limit the amount of furniture in any one room, then the Wall does conserve space, though does look a little futuristic and bizarre, which might take some getting used to. If you don't enjoy the wheel for a practical reason, you can always use it to roll around the room upside down for a while…
Defendius Door Chain Is A Mazing
Here is a security gadget with a few twists, literally. The Defendius Door Chain at first glance looks like some kind of puzzle game, which attaches to your door and the door will only open once the maze has been completed. OK, this sounds good for those wanting to gain unauthorized access but what about trying to get out, and having to complete the puzzle each time? I'd rather not have to waste time figuring out a puzzle if my home was on fire and I was attempting to escape as quickly as possible.It's all well and good trying to improve a home's security, but as once was reported on a crime program, if the door becomes indestructible the burglar will try to break through the wall instead. The Door Chain looked clever at first impressions, but when you think about it -- it really is not all that convenient and could be viewed by many as a fire hazard.
We'll stick with a strong lock and an alarm, a combination which seems to do the job just fine. Not so a -amaze-ing after all!